
WU Weijia
Tel: 86-10-62783328
Fax: 86-10-62783328
E-mail: wwjwu@mail.gccrzp.com


City Planning and Urban Design

Urban History and Theory

Urban Policy and Planning Regulation



Post-Doctorate Research, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  1993-1995

Institute of urban and Regional Planning, Department of Architecture,  Technical University of Munich, Germany, 1987-1993

Doktorant (Ph. D. Study) /DAAD Stipendiat, Dr. -Ing, May 24, 1993

Ph. D. Study, Department of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1986-1987

M. Arch. 1985, Department of Architecture, Tianjin University, 1982-1985

B. Arch. 1982, Department of Architecture, Tianjin University, 1978-1982


School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2000.7- , Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China

1995.10-2000.7, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University, Beijing, China

1993.10-1995.10, Lecturer, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China

2005.7- , Director, Department of City Planning, School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2000.7-, Deputy Director, Institute of Architectural and Urban Studies,  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

The Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, University of  Cambridge

2006, Senior Visiting Scholar



1.      Comprehensive Urban Design Research of City Suifenhe, Heilongjiang  Province (2013-2014)

2.      Regional Design of Southward Extension of Beijing Central Axis (2013)

3.      Evaluation on the Comprehensive Planning of Changping New Town, Beijing  (2012-2014)

4.      Town  Planning for Bangjun and Baijing, Ji County, Tianjin (2012)

5.      Strategic Planning Research for the Regional Development of City Kunming  (2012)

6.      Research on the Urban Landscape of City Kunming (2012)

7.      Strategic Planning for Songhua River-Mayi River Delta of Fangzheng  County, Heilongjiang Province (2012)

8.      Comprehensive Planning of Xinrong District, City Datong, Shanxi Province  (2011)

9.      City  Planning, Construction and Government, key research project of  multi-discipline study, funded by Beijing Municipal Education Committee  (2006-2009), Project manager, Coordinate with Prof. Wu Liangyong

10.    Beijing 2049, a Strategic Research on the Mega-city Region of City  Beijing towards Year 2049(2007-present)

11.    Research on the long-term influence of theⅩⅩⅨ Olympiad  to the development of City Beijing. (2008)

12.    Study  on the Change of City Planning System and Institutional Environment of  Mega-city Region after 1950, funded by Chinese Natural Science Found.  (2006-2008)

13.    City  Planning Reference, book 8: Urban Heritage Conservation and Urban  Regeneration (2002-2008), chief editor

14.    Research on the Pattern Transform of Urban Development, China Academy of  Science Membership Project (2008-present), Coordinate with Prof. Wu  Liangyong

15.    Conservation and Regeneration Research, as well as Urban Design for Old  City Quarter Nanchangjie Street, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province (2000-2008)

16.    Urban  Design for the Old City district of Gu’an, Hebei Province (2008-)

17.    Urban  Design for Brownfield Reuse of Textile Factory, City Langfang, Hebei  province (2008)

18.    Sustainable Strategic Planning for Pinggu, Beijing (2008)

19.    Strategic Planning for City Langfang, Hebei Province (2007- )

20.    Comprehensive Planning for Town Liujiadian and South Duliuhe, Pinggu,  Beijing (2008- )

21.    Comprehensive City Planning for County Yanyuan, Liangshan Autonomy,  Sichuan Province (2008)

22.    Strategic Planning for County Ji, Tianjing (2007)

23.    Comprehensive City Planning for County Yu, Hebei Province (2006-2007)

24.    Industrial Legacy Reuse Research for the Capital Steel Factory, Beijing  (2006)

25.    Guide  of Comprehensive City Planning for City Nantong, Jiangsu Province  (2005-2006)

26.    Comprehensive Planning for Town Dasungezhuang, Shunyi, Beijing (2006)

27.    Urban  Design for Comprehensive Planning of City Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province  (2005)

28.    Urban  and Rural Area Coordinated Development Research for Small Towns of  Jiaxing, Comprehensive Planning and Urban Design for Fengqiao Town,  Zhejiang Province. (2005)

29.    Cultural Landscape Research for Subway Stations of City Hangzhou,  Zhejiang Province (2005)

30.    Planning and Research for the Conservation, Rehabilitation and  Regeneration of Dashila Area, Qianmen, in South Area of Old City  Beijing. (2005)

31.    Comprehensive Planning of City Beijing, Section: Coordinated Regional  Development between Beijing-Tianjing-Hebei (2004)

32.    Strategic Planning for City Tianjin (2004), Port and integrate regional  development

33.    Strategic Planning for City Beijing (2003), Integrate regional  development

34.    Planning Study on Conservation for the Chinese Pioneer City Nantong  1895-1925. Jiangsu Province (2004)

35.    Development Strategy Research for City Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.  (2001-2002)

36.    Urban  Design for the Business District of Zhongshan Road with the Respect of  City Conservation and Rehabilitation, Tsingdao, Shandong Province (2002)

37.    Research on the Rural and Urban Spatial Development Planning for the  Greater Beijing Region (2000), in coordinate with the project of  Research on Fundamental Theories and Typical Patterns of Chinese Human  Settlements

38.    Evaluation on the Ten Years Development of the National Scientific  District in City Suzhou, Jiansu Province (2001-2002)

39.    Comprehensive City Planning and Urban Design for Sino-Czech Friendship  Farm, Huanghua, Hebei Province (2000, 2005)

40.    Town  Planning and Urban Design for Libao and Erjia, Nantong, Jiangsu Province  (1999)

41.    Urban  Design for Nantong Eastern Moat Green Park, Nantong, Jiangsu Province  (2000)

42.    Research on Fundamental Theories and Typical Patterns of Chinese Human  Settlements, funded by Chinese Natural Science Found (1998- 2002),  Coordinate with Prof. Wu Liangyong

43.    Cooperative Workshop between Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and  HfbK Hamburg, Germany: Urban Design for the Interchange Station of  Dongzhimen, Beijing. (1999)

44.    Comprehensive City Planning and Urban Design for City Zhongdian  (Shangri-La), Yunnan Province (1998)

45.    Sustainable Development for Human Settlements in Northwestern Yunnan  Province, collaborative research project by Yunnan Province and Tsinghua  School of Architecture, Completed the final report and ‘Urban Planning  in Northwestern Yunnan Province (1998), Coordinate with Prof. Wu  Liangyong

46.    Landscape Design for the Canal Waterfront Area of the Old City Suzhou,  Jiangsu Province (1998)

47.    Sustainable Development Planning and Urban Design for Town Pingshan,  Shenzhen (1997-1998)

48.    Urban  Design for Comprehensive Planning of City Xishan, Jiangsu Province  (1997-1998)

49.    New  Paradigm for Urban Development in North-Eastern Asia: Recent  Urbanization in China, collaborative research project by Hanssem  Corporation (Korea), Harvard Graduate School of Design, and Tsinghua  School of Architecture. Completed reports ‘Trends in Urbanization and  Development in China’s Eastern, Central and Western Regions’ and  ‘Dynamics of Housing in China’. (1996-1997), Project manager, Coordinate  with Prof. Wu Liangyong

50.    Comprehensive City Planning for City Xishan, Jiangsu Province (1995-  1996)

51.    Town  Planning for Xuelang, County Wuxi, Jiangsu Province (1995)

52.    Research on Development and Conservation amid Rapid Growth in the  Developed Regions of China, Funded by Chinese Natural Science Found.  Completed general report ‘Urban Planning in Developed Regions of China  (1993-1995), Coordinate with Prof. Wu Liangyong

53.    Regional Planning for County Wuxi, Jiangsu Province: Section of Spatial  Planning for Town System (1995)

54.    Comprehensive City Planning for City Liuzhou, Guangxi Province (1993),  Section: Spatial Analyze for the Urban Development

55.    Detail Planning Research for Downtown Area, City Guilin, Guangxi  Province, in charge of urban design research for Inner City (1986)

56.    Comprehensive City Planning for County Yongshun, Hunan Province, in  charge of land use planning (1984)

57.    Urban  Heritage Preservation Research for Hashi, Xinjiang, in charge of urban  design for old residential district (1983)

58.    Urban  Heritage Preservation Research and Detail Planning for Quanzhou, Fujian  Province, in charge of research on protection of Urban Form (1982)




History of the Construction of Foreign Cities (autumn, 40 students),  2013-present

Year 4 City Planning Studio (autumn, 25 students), 2014-present

Year 3 City Planning Studio (autumn, 20 students), 2004-2013


Urban History and Theory (spring & autumn, 20 students, Projects for  Best Course of Tsinghua University, 2005-2007), 1996- present,

Urban Policy and Regulations, (spring& autumn, 20 students) 2000-present

Graduate Planning and Design Studio 1 (autumn, 20 students),  2006-present

Graduate Reading (spring & autumn, 40 students), 2005

International Cooperative Graduate Workshop: Urban Design for the  Interchange Station, of Dongzhimen, Beijing, 1999

International Cooperative Graduate Workshop: Sustainable Development  Prospect for Small Town Wenquan, Beijing, 2005

Graduate Workshop together with Dr-ing. Schneider, senior visiting  scholar from Technical University of Munich: Sustainable City Planning  and Urban Design, 2005



1.      Research on the New Directions of Chinese Small-and-medium-sized Cities  Planning in the 21st Century, Collaborative Research Project by Hanssen  Corporation (Korea) and Tsinghua School of Architecture, 2012-present

2.      Beijing 2049 Space Distribution: Current Problems and Research  Direction. Beijing and London World Mega-city Sustainable Development  International Collaborative Research Project, University of Cambridge  Workshop 2012

3.      Beijing 2049 Space Distribution: Current Problems and Research  Direction. Beijing and London World Mega-city Sustainable Development  International Collaborative Research Project, University of Cambridge  Workshop 2010

4.      Beijing 2049 Space Distribution: Current Problems and Research  Direction. Beijing and London World Mega-city Sustainable Development  International Collaborative Research Project, Tsinghua University  Workshop 2009

5.      Mega-region Conference, Healdsburg, 2008

6.      2008  World City Forum Nanjing, WSE Meeting, 2008

7.      International Collaborative Research on Simplified Model of City Form,  Land Use and Transportation, cooperated by Cambridge University UK,  Tsinghua University China, USC CSA, St. Paulo University Brazil.  2008-present

8.      Beijing 2049 Space Distribution: Current Problems and Research  Direction. Beijing and London World Mega-city Sustainable Development  International Collaborative Research Project, Tsinghua University  Workshop 2007

9.      Senior Visiting Scholar, Martin Center, Cambridge University, 2006

10.    Graduate Studio, together with Dr. Schneider, senior visiting scholar  from Technical University of Munich: Sustainable City Planning and Urban  Design, 2006

11.    Cooperated Spatial Planning Workshop Sustainable Development Prospect for Small Town  Wenquan with Prof. Kunzman of University  Dortmund Germany, 2005

12.    WSE  Meeting Japan 2004

13.    2000  World City Forum, Berlin

14.    Cooperative Urban Design Workshop between Tsinghua University, China and  HfbK Hamburg, Germany: Urban Design for the Interchange Station of  Dongzhimen, 2000

15.    Cooperative Urban Design Workshop between Tsinghua University and  Hongkong University, 2000

16.    WSE  Meeting Berlin 1998

17.    International Seminar of Ecosystem, Environment and culture, Germany,  1998

18.    New  Paradigm for Urban Development in North-Eastern Asia, Workshop Seoul,  1997

19.    International Program Sustainable Development,  the Gothic Academy of Germany, 1997

20.    New  Paradigm for Urban Development in North-Eastern Asia, Collaborative  Research Project by Hanssen Corporation (Korea), Harvard Graduate School  of Design, and Tsinghua School of Architecture, 1996-1997

21.    New  Paradigm for Urban Development in North-Eastern Asia, Workshop Harvard,  1996

22.    New  Paradigm for Urban Development in North-Eastern Asia, Workshop Beijing,  Research visiting Yangtze delta, 1996



Evaluation on the Comprehensive Planning for City Beijing; First Prize  of Excellent Planning and Design of China Award by China Association of  City Planning (2011)

Comprehensive Planning for City Beijing; Gold Prize of National  Excellent Planning and Design Award (2008), First Prize of Excellent  Planning and Design Award by Ministry of Construction (2006),First Prize  of Excellent Planning and Design Award in Beijing (2006)

Strategic Planning for City Tianjin; Second Prize of Excellent Planning  and Design Award by Ministry of Construction (2006),First Prize of  Excellent Planning and Design Award in Tianjin (2006)

Planning and Research for the Protection, Reconstruction, and  Rehabilitation of Dashila Area, Qianmen, Beijing. Excellent City  Planning Award by Beijing Municipal Planning Committee (2005)

Research on Development and Conservation amid Rapid Growth in the  Developed Regions of China; Second Prize of Scientific Research and  Innovation Award in Universities and Colleges (2000)




Free Forum of Annual National Planning Conference: Regional  Collaborative Planning, 2014

Free Forum of Annual National Planning Conference: Good Human  Settlements and Planning Reform, 2013

Beijing 2049 Research Meeting (collaborative research with Cambridge  University), key project of Beijing Municipal Education Committee, 2007

Annual Meeting of Urban Planning Society of China, Section City Planning  Theory, 2005

New Paradigm for Urban Development in North-Eastern Asia, Workshop  Beijing, Research visiting Yangtze delta, 1996

Social organization

Deputy Commissioner, Evaluation Committee of Urban and Rural Planning  Education, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, 2012-present

Committee Member, Academic Committee of Urban Transportation, Urban  Planning Society of China,2012-present

Executive council member, Urban Planning Society of China, 2004-present

Committee Member, Expert Committee of Urban and Rural Planning, Ministry  of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, 2002-present

Council Member, Urban Planning Society of China. 2000-2004

Member of WSE (World Society of Ekistics), 1998-present

Executive director, Youth Committee of Urban Planning Society of China,  1996-2000



Journal papers

1.      Small Squares, Big Strategy: Thoughts on the Design of Pocket Squares in  Shanghai. Shanghai Urban Planning Review, 2013 (6), second author.

2.      Research on the Construction Strategy of Pinggu Eco-city with the  Combination of Guiding Development and Constructive Preservation.  Beijing Planning Review, 2013 (6), second author.

3.      Urban Plan: Constantly Changed for What. People’s Daily, Oct 22nd,  2013, Section 20.

4.      Human Settlements and Beijing ‘2049’ Strategy. City Planning Review,  2013 (3), 49-53.

5.      Urban History Preservation in Germany: Ideological Evolution, Key  Problems and Preservation Practice. Beijing Planning Review, 2013 (3),  6-11.

6.      Land  Control and Utilization in the Process of Urbanization of the Suburbs.  Development of Small Cities & Towns, 2013 (2), 51-56, second author.

7.      Land  Use Patterns of Mega-City Regions: A Comparison of London, Paris, New  York, Tokyo and Beijing. Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (5), 8-12, second  author.

8.      Survey on the Impact of 2008 Olympic Games on the Urban Space of  Beijing. Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (5), 19-23, second author.

9.      Concentrated Decentralization: Research on the Transportation Strategy  of the Capital Region. Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (5), 24-38, third  author.

10.    ‘Beijing 2049’: A Discipline Group and Interdisciplinary Research  Platform. Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (4), 8-13.

11.    Beijing and the Development of the Manufacturing Industry of World  Cities. Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (4), 76-84, second author.

12.    Spatial Distribution Difference of Residence and Public Service  Facilities in Beijing. Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (4), 58-63, second  author.

13.    An  International Comparison of Beijing’s ‘Control and Command’ Function in  an Emerging World City: Taking Top 500 Global Company Headquarters and  International Air Lines as Examples. Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (3),  60-66, second author.

14.    Long  Term Trends of ‘Beijing 2049’. Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (3), 12-16.

15.    Discussion on the Spatial Development of Beijing’s Plain and Southeast  Area. Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (3), 32-39, second author.

16.    Development Model Transformation: The Long Term Impact of Olympic Games  on the Development of City Beijing. Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (3),  49-55, second author.

17.    Research on Beijing’s New Airport and the Spatial Layout of the City.  Development Plan and Structural Adjustment, 2012 (2), 64-68.

18.    Build  Cultural Essence Area and Promote Overall Preservation of the Old City.  Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (1), 8-11, second author.

19.    Strategic Thinking on the Spatial Trends and Layout of City Beijing:  Evaluation Research of  ‘Comprehensive Plan of Beijing (2004-2020)’.  Beijing Planning Review, 2012 (1), 15-19.

20.    Livability: The Foundation of Urban Development. People’s Daily, Aug 23rd  2011, Section 19.

21.    China’s Pathway of Urban-Rural Integration. China Report, 2010 (9),  54-57.

22.    Spatial Pattern of Beijing as an Emerging World City. Scientific  Chinese, 2010 (8).

23.    Beijing’s Urban Planning under the Goal of World City. Scientific  Chinese, 2010 (8).

24.    Urbanization Is to Shape the Life of Future. EXPO Weekly, 2010 (8)

25.    World  City Is Not Immutable. Beijing Daily (Theory Weekly), June 22nd  2010.

26.    Research Outline and Development Prospection of Interdisciplinary  Platform ‘Beijing 2049’. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2010  (3), 98-123.

27.    Transformation of Development Pattern: Origin and the Progress of the  Beijing 2049. Architectural Journal, 2010 (2), 3-7.

28.    Problem Analysis of the Urban Transit Network Plan of Beijing. Beijing  Planning Review, 2010 (2), 98-104.

29.    Brief  Analysis of the Development Strategy of Beijing’s Cultural Facilities on  the Background of the Competition among Cities. Beijing Planning Review,  2010 (1), 102-109.

30.    Development of Mega-city Regions in China: Current Situation, Problems  and Perspective. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2009 (3),  84-103.

31.    The  Discussion about Regional Planning Legal Management Based on  Departmental Coordination. Planners, 2009 (3), 59-64, second author.

32.    Paradox and Controversy of Urban Design Institutions. City Planning  Review, 2009 (2), 72-77, second author.

33.    The  Construct Methods of the Urban Design System with Flexibility and  Diversity. Modern Urban Research, 2009 (1), 20-26, second author.

34.    Comparative Study of Urban Design Management under the Institutional  Environment. Chinese and Overseas Architecture, 2008 (11), 85-88, second  author.

35.    Research and Suggestions on Urbanization Approach with Chinese  Characteristics. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2008 (2), 1-16,  second author.

36.    Long-term Development Strategy for Mega-City Regions: Urban Planning on  the Background of Institutional Innovation. City Planning Review, 2007  (11), 47-48.

37.    Prospects of China’s Urbanization Development from the View of the  World’s Urbanization Trends. Science News, 2007, second author.

38.    Strategic Control of Iconic Buildings in London. Reference Information,  Dec 16th 2006.

39.    Informal Planning in Urban Planning. City Planning Review, 2005 (11),  46-47.

40.    Regional Coordination in the Urban Development of Beijing. Beijing Urban  Construction, 2004 (97).

41.    Strengthen Regional Integration and Promote Regional Coordination in the  Development of City Beijing. Beijing Planning Review, 2004 (4), 55-56.

42.    Jiangsu Urbanization Path Based on National and International  Urbanization Trends. Modern Urban Research, 2003 (2), 50-54, second  author; Science and Technology Review, 2003 (9), 3-6, second author.

43.    Global Perspectives on the Development Strategy of City Suzhou. Suzhou  Economy, 2002 (5).

44.    Discussion and Cooperation: An International Workshop for Dongzhimen  Intertransport Station, Beijing. World Architecture, 2001 (6), 78-83.

45.    Integrate Development in the Region Berlin and Brandenburg. Urban  Planning Overseas, 2001 (5), 13-16.

46.    Urban  21: Sustainable Development and Challenges. Urban Planning Overseas,  2001 (2), 25-26.

47.    Central cities versus small cities in the developing Southern Jiangsu  Region. Ekistics, Vol. 385-387, 283-288.

48.    Central cities versus small cities in the developing Southern Jiangsu  Region. City Planning, Np.2, 2000

49.    Innovation of Urban Planning. Planners, 2000 (5), 80-83; Journal of  Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2000 (5), 57-62.

50.    From  Small Towns to Small Cities: The Development and Strategy of the  Physical Environment for Southern Jiangsu Province. City Planning  Review, 2000 (2), 25-27.

51.    Core  Urban Planning Acts in Germany: Development, Outline and System. Urban  Planning Overseas, 2000 (1), 7-9.

52.    Across the Berlin Wall, Berlin 2010. World Architecture, 1999 (5),  18-23.

53.    A  Comparison between Chinese and German Urban Planning Laws. City Planning  Review, 1996 (1), 12-14.

54.    Informal Planning: A New Way of Regional Integrated Development.  Planners, 1999 (4), 104-106.

55.    Strategy of Social, Ecological and Economical Renewal for Old Industrial  Region: IBA Emscher Park in Ruhr, Germany. Urban Planning Overseas, 1999  (3), 35-37.

56.    Urban  Ecology and Environment Protection in Freiburg, Germany. Urban Planning  Overseas, 1999 (2), 31-33.

57.    Discussion on the Development Strategy for the County-Level Cities  around Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou after the Establishment of Cities with  Revocation of Counties. City Planning Review, 1997 (6), 21-23.

58.    Urban  Planning Laws in Germany. Urban Planning Overseas, 1997 (6), 21-23.

59.    Planning Tactics of Saving Land Resources in Wuxi County. City Planning  Review, 1995 (5), 17-19.

60.    An  Introduction of the City Planning in Munich, Germany. Urban Planning  Overseas, 1995 (4), 37-44.

61.    Sociological Methods in Environmental Design. Journal of Tianjin  University Graduate School, Vol.2, No.1, 1986.

Selected conference proceedings

1.      Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development Should Take Advantage of  Region Actively and Take up the Challenges of Population, Resources and  Environment. 2014 Conference on Urban Development and Planning, Tianjin

2.      Beijing 2049 Spatial Distribution: Current Problems and Research  Directions. Beijing and London World Mega-city Sustainable Development  International Collaborative Research Project, Cambridge Workshop 2012.

3.      Beijing 2049 and Sciences of Human Settlements. Technological Sciences  Division of Chinese Academy of Sciences Conference 2012, Shanghai

4.      Two  Key Problems about the Development of City Kunming: Strategy Selection  and Spatial Control. Annual National Planning Conference 2012, Kunming

5.      Human Settlements and Beijing 2049 together with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.  Annual National Planning Conference 2012, Kunming

6.      Progress and Prospect of Beijing 2049. Annual National Planning  Conference 2010, Chongqing

7.      Beijing 2049 Spatial Distribution: Current Problems and Research  Directions. Beijing and London World Mega-city Sustainable Development  International Collaborative Research Project, Cambridge Workshop 2010

8.      Beijing 2049 Spatial Distribution: Current Problems and Research  Directions. Beijing and London World Mega-city Sustainable Development  International Collaborative Research Project, Beijing Workshop 2009

9.      Development Strategy of Chinese Mega-cities. 2009 City Planning  Symposium of Chinese Society for Urban Studies, Harbin

10.    Development Strategy of Large Cities and Industrial Heritage  Preservation. International Sustainability Forum 2009, Taiyuan

11.    Mega-regions and Spatial Development Planning in China, Healdsburg  Mega-region Conference, 2008, second author

12.    Development and Outlook of Chinese Mega-city Regions, WSE Meting, 2008

13.    Beijing 2049 Spatial Distribution: Current Problems and Research  Directions. Beijing and London World Mega-city Sustainable Development  International Collaborative Research Project, Beijing Workshop 2007

14.    Coordinated Development and Planning Research Progress on Mega-city  Regions. Urban Planning Society of China Annual Meeting, 2007, Harbin

15.    City  Planning in Beijing and Its Surrounding Region. Workshop of Solution in  Martin Center, Cambridge, 2006

16.    Regional Coordination in City Planning for Beijing. 2005 City Planning  Symposium of Chinese Society for Urban Studies

17.    Urban  Planning Theory and Practice. 2005 China Post-Doctoral Researchers Work  Team, Sichuan

18.    Research on the Preservation Plan of Nantong City, a Pioneering City of  Modern China. Symposium on Zhang Jian and Nantong City , a Pioneering  City of Modern China, Urban Planning Society of China, 2004

19.    Urban  Development Strategy for Tianjin and Tianjin Port. Workshop on Tianjin  Urban Development Strategy, 2004

20.    Regional Study on Sustainable Development for Human Settlements in  Northwestern Yunnan Province, paper for ‘the 2nd International Symposium  on Sustainable Development of Human Settlements in Mountainous Regions’,  Kunming, 2001

21.    Informal Planning in City Planning. City Planning Workshop across the  Taiwan Straits, Kunming, 1999

22.    City  and Town Distribution for the Sustainable Development of Human  Settlements in Northwestern Yunnan Province. Collaborative Research  Workshop between Yunnan Province and Tsinghua University, Kunming, 1998

23.    Trends in Urbanization and Development in China’s Eastern, Central and  Western Regions. International Symposium on New Paradigm for Urban  Development in North-Eastern Asia, Seoul, 1997

24.    ‘Probleme hinsichtlich des ökologischen Umweltschutzes in der  nordwestlichen Region der Provinz Yunnan in China und die entsprechenden  Gegenmaßnahmen’ (thesis in ‘98 International Seminar of Ecosystem,  Environment and Culture, Germany). 1998

25.    Sustainable Development in Cities of Germany. International Program  ‘Sustainable Development’, Symposium of Urban Sustainable Development,  Goethe-Institut, 1999


1.      The  Rise of Cities, collected in The Footprint of Cities, Peking University  Press, 2013.

2.      Epilogue, in Songzhuang, Creativeness, Low-carbon: Six-school Joint  Graduation Project of Urban Planning & Design, China Architecture and  Building Press, 2013.

3.      Better, Not Bigger (Translation), Tsinghua University Press, 2012.

4.      Preface, in Better, Not Bigger, Tsinghua University Press, 2012.

5.      Sciences of Human Settlements and Education of Urban Planning, collected  in Institute of Architectural and Urban Studies (ed.), Conference  Proceedings of International Symposium on Sciences of Human Settlements,  China Architecture and Building Press, 2012.

6.      Preface, in Institution and Institutional Environment of Urban Design  Operation, China Architecture and Building Press, 2012.

7.      Research on the Spatial Development Strategy of ‘Beijing 2049’, Tsinghua  University Press, 2011, second author.

8.      Development of Mega-city Regions in China: Current Situation, Problems  and Perspective, collected in Wu Liangyong et al., The Research Progress  of the Sciences of Human Settlements (2002-2010), China Architecture and  Building Press, 2012.

9.      Functional Integration and Planning Institution Support: Spatial  Coordination for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, collected in Proceedings  of Annual National Planning Conference 2008, Dalian Publishing House,  2008, second author

10.    Resilience Strategy towards Strong Sustainability: Planning Responses of  the Sustainable Development of Mega-city Regions, collected in Creating  Harmonious Human Settlements: Proceedings of National Ph.D Candidates  Academic Conference, China Architecture and Building Press, 2008, second  author.

11.    Lay  Emphasis on Efficiency and Supply Multiply: Research on Social Housing  Supply Policy after Disaster, collected in Creating Harmonious Human  Settlements: Proceedings of National Ph.D Candidates Academic  Conference, China Architecture and Building Press, 2008, second author.

12.    Selected References on City Planning, Book 8. China Architecture and  Building Press, 2008.

13.    Research on the Preservation of Nantong City, a Pioneering City of  Modern China; Research on the Preservation of Haonan Road Site, Nantong  City; Preservation and Renovation of Modern Industrial Relics of Tangzha,  Nantong City, collected in Wu Liangyong et al., Zhang Jian and Nantong  City, a Pioneering City of Modern China, China Architecture and Building  Press, 2006.

14.    Encyclopedia Entries of Beijing Charter, Landscape and Rational  Architecture, 2005.

15.    General Report, in Sustainable Development of Human Settlements in  Northwestern Yunnan Province, Yunnan University Press, 2000.

16.    Urban  System, in Sustainable Development of Human Settlements in Northwestern  Yunnan Province, Yunnan University Press, 2000.

17.    Cooperative Urban Design Workshop between Tsinghua University, China and  HfbK Hamburg, Germany: Urban Design for the Interchange Station of  Dongzhimen. Hamburg: HfbK, 2000.

18.    General Report, in Built Environment Preservation and Development in  Developed Regions of China, China Architecture and Building Press, 1998.

19.    Theory and Method, in Built Environment Preservation and Development in  Developed Regions of China, China Architecture and Building Press, 1998.

20.    Theory and Practice of City Planning (Stadtplanung: Eine  praxisorientierte Einführung)  (Translation), Science Press, 1998.

21.    Problems and Advices on Farm Land Resources during Modernization in  Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Region, collected in City Planning Exploration  with Limited Resources, Tongji University Press, 1998.

22.    Discussion on the Development Strategy for the County-Level Cities  around Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou after the Establishment of Cities with  Revocation of Counties, collected in Modernization of Urban Management  in County-level Cities, Knowledge Press, 1998.

23.    Probleme hinsichtlich des ökologischen Umweltschutzes in der  nordwestlichen Region der Provinz Yunnan in China und die entsprechenden  Gegenmaßnahmen, collected in Proceedings of International Symposium on  Ecology, Environment and Culture, Germany, 1998.

24.    Advices on Human Settlement Construction during the Process of  Urbanization in Shanghai-Nanjing Region, collected in Urbanization and  Sustainable Urban Development, Southeast University Press, 1997, second  author.

25.    City  Planning and Planning Law in China and Germany, Post-doctoral Research  Report, Tsinghua University, 1995.

26.    Stadtgestalt und Stadtgestaltbedeutung: ein Vergleich an Beispiel aus  China und Westeuropa, Doctoral Degree Thesis, Technical University of  Munich, 1993.

27.    Application of Sociological Methods in Environmental Design and the  Study of Places (Master Degree Thesis), Tianjin University, 1985.

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